

On approval of non-recurrent statistical tools for classification of employees on the basis of their wages, employees’ average wages and time worked
Об утверждении единовременного статистического инструментария о распределении численности работников по размерам заработной платы, средней заработной плате работников и отработанном ими времени

Document Number/Номер документа: 55


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On approval of non-recurrent statistical tools for classification of employees on the basis of their wages, employees’ average wages and time worked
On approval of non-recurrent statistical tools for classification of employees on the basis of their wages, employees’ average wages and time worked

Document Number/Номер документа: 03-585-03

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On approval of non-recurrent statistical tools for classification of employees on the basis of their wages, employees’ average wages and time worked
On approval of non-recurrent statistical tools for classification of employees on the basis of their wages, employees’ average wages and time worked

Document Number/Номер документа: 17-89

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On approval of non-recurrent statistical tools for classification of employees on the basis of their wages, employees’ average wages and time worked
On approval of non-recurrent statistical tools for classification of employees on the basis of their wages, employees’ average wages and time worked

Document Number/Номер документа: 539

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